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Liberate Balance at the Autumn Equinox

  The emergence of the Autumn Equinox is a journey from planted seedlings, to fruit ripening into the harvest season. A cornucopia of bounty that’s provided by the natural world and its restoration of balance. It’s a reminder to recalibrate, arriving at the temporal threshold of when the hours for day and night are equal. As the energy of harmony flows through our planet bringing changes in the air, we are met at the center point of dynamic equilibrium. Representing a time to experience the earths power as a natural evolution of personal exploration. It directs and transitions us to the next phase of where we are growing and expanding.

  When the Sun travels through Libra, there’s a desire for peace, harmony and diplomacy. The sign of the scales easily sees both sides of an issue. It’s a strong motivator that emphasizes cosmic order of justice and fairness for all. A balanced approach of weighing and measuring our thoughts and actions against universal ideals of truth. In order to move forward we need to examine our intentions and come to terms with the past. Accept that our choices include equal portions of intellectual stimulation with positive social interactions, work and pleasure, along with exercise and rest.

Deliberate celebration of the change of seasons – stirs the creative powers of the psyche.”  Nor Hall

Rituals for Fall:

Gather dried herbs

Walk in nature

Make a bonfire (if you are in a low fire danger zone)

Decorate your spaces with the colors of the fall

Share communal food with others


·       For a deeper dive into planetary influences, scroll to the bottom of this newsletter

 Fall Overview of Personal Sun Signs

Libra – Fine tuning your work and taking care of business, balances a healthy dose of enthusiastic fun and pleasure that’s available. Engaging with significant others gives you a better understanding of what’s true in the relationship and sets the tone for resolving differences. Creative outlets connect you with a variety of social experiences that brings you fulfillment. When you feel off-kilter, pamper yourself in spa therapies. 

Scorpio – The engine of creation drives your personal desires. There’s a potency for renewal which slows things down and places a focus on pioneering ideas. Pushing forward into unknown territory creates the catalyst for change that serves a higher purpose. By arranging standards which explore new boundaries for excellence you’ll be noticed. To nourish yourself find romance that indulges in intimate bonds providing Love.


Sagittarius – Work on long-term issues within partnerships and focus on problems that have been fermenting for a while. Learn the deeper meaning of external frustrations and create an environment to access the truth. Having patience and intention will help you move in the right direction. This will significantly make improvements and progress plans. Critical exchanges unleash a creative force that builds back confidence.

Capricorn – Open up and discuss all your commitments with those closest to you. When your energy is spread into numerous directions your efforts are unsustainable and need to be condensed. This pressure can be released through a pragmatic approach and seeking aid from others, eases stress. Your skillfulness guides what needs to be edited and tweaked. This will effectively refocus your momentum to take care of yourself.


Aquarius – When you embrace the unexpected, you’ll make up for lost time. A steady flow of energy unfolds through the affairs of the heart bringing you a sense of consistency. Most of the conflicts that come your way can be avoided by clear communication. To manage a sense of progress free yourself from the monotony of paying attention to details and go wild. Foster the creative genius within and have fun.  


Pisces – Your imaginative flair is readily available; visions are ongoing and contribute to moving your direction into a favorable light. A path forward is to share your ideas and remain flexible as you proceed. One way to adapt to situations is to tune into your intuition and surrender to the path of fulfillment. This raises your status of festivities, partying, romance and sex drive to new levels.


Aries – A worthy cause supports your efforts and intentions. The circumstances that arise may be evaluated best when seen from another’s viewpoint. Bringing an intimacy into how people feel and captivates you. This attraction keeps you level headed and cements relationships. Original projects may have delays by late fall. It will need to be reevaluated to make adjustments. Change lanes if necessary to make things work.  


Taurus – Creative expressions reach new heights with unexpected messages that lean into innovations. There is strong appreciation and participation within social groups who offer you benefits. These contributors enhance positive perspectives and assists you when dealing with conflicts. When in doubt amid controversial issues, take the high road and adjust with a novel approach that bridges the gap between you and other.

Gemini – When partnerships are dragging you down approach the situations in a light-hearted manner. If disagreements arise and need to be addressed, go deeper to shift your emotions. As you adjust your energy and course correct, it will expose your true allies. Now is a good time to ride the wave of financial gains and prosperity through creative communication projects; writing, theatre, education and therapy.


Cancer – Engaging with spiritual pursuits will support all the projects you’re working on. The success you seek is aided by supporters who step in to build upon the foundation that’s already been laid. Let others take care of the mundane tasks so your endeavors move ahead. Schedule in breaks and retreats for decompressing. Embrace and luxuriate in cocoons with chosen companions who offer intimacy, romance and love.

Leo – A culmination of creative possibilities have reached the pinnacle and achievements are reached. Your accomplishments motivate other ventures and activities into new opportunities. The resources you’ve shared with others may be challenged and conflicts arise. Deviate and pivot your energy towards wellness. Exercise, and engage in recreational sports. These activities nourish your heart and strengthen the spirit.  


Virgo – Your enthusiasm has shifted towards fundamental needs. Let go of old ideas and seek a broader perspective. Aspirations can be met when encountering new people or socializing with friends. Share your vision and communicate through technology to let the everyday details fall into place. When in doubt consult an expert or mediator to help amplify clarity. This will move you into a new direction. 


The Autumn Planetary Lineup 

This will impact us for the next three months until we journey into the Winter Solstice.

A grand trine greets us with the start of this new season. The companionable Libra Sun trines the Moon in mentally agile Gemini and an out of sign trine to Pluto in steadfast Capricorn, offering us a chance to cultivate the art of significant communications and to find inner peace and tranquility. We can learn and thereby know what’s true, then seek to find the falsehoods to reform them. There is an overflow of creative grace that individuals be treated in a manner that is equitable and fair. Use the power available for the good of the people.

Venus the ruler of Libra starts the day in its home sign and forms a tense square aspect to possessive Pluto, creating a breakdown in relationships and dredging up past issues. This catalyzes necessary changes to be resolved, going forward together. Later in the evening the goddess of love and beauty moves into magnetic Scorpio for a profound dive to find the truth. It will bring up themes of power, magic, fear, sex, resources, and desire. Love takes on a deeper meaning, while self-growth and understanding are the focus.

 With Gratitude and Blessings of Love and Peace,




Flow with the planetary influences of the equinox, embodied by Libra the great liberator. Now’s a good time to

Take a comprehensive look into your Personal Sun Signs Fall Outlook;  Embrace an Autumn refresh ~ schedule your readings now;



Autumn Equinox Newsletter copyright 2024 Shari Schopp. All Rights Reserved. 

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