The Signs of the Zodiac
Learning about the signs of the zodiac is an important first step in understanding astrology. Included, below are brief descriptions of the 12 signs, including the dates during which the Sun is in each sign. There are variations on sun sign dates due to leap years which affect the calendar day but not the Sun's position. To verify your Sun sign, contact a professional astrologer.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Primary Motivation: To develop courage, strengthen willpower
Strengths: Vitality, directness, survival instinct
Positive Expression: Taking on meaningful challenges that are aligned with personal values
Negative Expression: Combativeness, wasting energy on minor arguments and frustrations
Symbol: The Ram
Element: Fire
Color: Red
Planetary Ruler: Mars
Archetypes: Risk-Taker, Pioneer, Survivor, Warrior

Apr 20 - May 20
Symbol: The Bull
Element: Earth
Color: Green
Planetary Ruler: Venus
Archetypes: Musician, Earth Spirit, Quiet One
Primary Motivation: To find inner peace, serenity, simplicity
Strengths: Simplicity, artistry, dislike of drama
Positive Expression: Developing a strong inner security that can accommodate change
Negative Expression: Becoming overly materialistic or stagnant out of fear of change

May 21 - Jun 20
Symbol: The Twins
Element: Air
Color: Yellow
Planetary Ruler: Mercury
Archetypes: Teacher, Storyteller, Witness, Writer
Primary Motivation: To communicate, observe life, share information
Strengths: Curiosity, restlessness, open-mindedness
Positive Expression: Using the intellect to learn and teach life-enhancing information
Negative Expression: Becoming exhausted through excessive worry or external chatter

Jun 21 - Jul 22
Symbol: The Crab
Element: Water
Color: White and Silver
Planetary Ruler: Moon
Archetypes: Nurturer, Sensitive, Therapist
Primary Motivation: To feel depth of emotions, develop trust, acceptance
Strengths: Compassion, empathy, desire to nurture
Positive Expression: Being sensitive to others while keeping strong boundaries
Negative Expression: Becoming easily overwhelmed and overly defensive

Jul 23 - Aug 22
Symbol: The Lion
Element: Fire
Color: Gold
Planetary Ruler: Sun
Archetypes: King/Queen, Performer, Child
Primary Motivation: To fully express one's creativity, own personal style
Strengths: Creative flair, sense of drama, ability to perform
Positive Expression: Developing self-appreciation and finding joy in creation
Negative Expression: Being overly dependent upon the approval of others

Aug 23 - Sep 22
Symbol: The Virgin
Element: Earth
Color: Light Green
Planetary Ruler: Mercury
Archetypes: Perfectionist, Critic, Analyst
Primary Motivation: To grow towards an ideal, develop skills and fulfill greatest potential
Strengths: Analytical ability, desire to serve
Positive Expression: Focusing on improvement and growth while maintaining appreciation for existing conditions
Negative Expression: Becoming pessimistic, turning analysis into criticalness

Sep 23 - Oct 22
Symbol: The Scales
Element: Air
Color: Pink and Blue
Planetary Ruler: Venus
Archetypes: Artist, Lover, Peacemaker
Primary Motivation: To create greater harmony and balance through relationships and artistic expression
Strengths: Diplomacy, tact, dislike of discord
Positive Expression: Learning how to compromise without betraying own values
Negative Expression: Denying own needs, being unable to take assertive action

Oct 23 - Nov 21
Symbol: The Scorpio or The Eagle
Element: Water
Color: Black
Planetary Ruler: Pluto (traditional ruler: Mars)
Archetypes: Detective, Hypnotherapist, Psychologist
Primary Motivation: To live life with intensity, and be willing to face deep feelings honestly
Strengths: Desire for truth, inability to ignore feelings
Positive Expression: Accepting the reality of intense or hidden emotions
Negative Expression: Being controlled by unconscious emotional patterns, or hiding truth from self or others

Nov 22 - Dec 21
Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Color: Purple
Planetary Ruler: Jupiter
Archetypes: Student, Philosopher, Explorer, Gypsy
Primary Motivation: To expand awareness, find life meaning through a variety of experiences
Strengths: Sense of adventure, faith, humor
Positive Expression: Becoming aware of the meaning inherent in everyday experiences
Negative Expression: Losing sense of purpose through over- extending self and energies

Dec 22 - Jan 19
Symbol: The Seagoat
Element: Earth
Color: Brown and Grey
Planetary Ruler: Saturn
Archetypes: Authority, Strategist, Hermit
Primary Motivation: To pursue and achieve goals in alignment with highest personal integrity
Strengths: Self-discipline, patience, self-reliance
Positive Expression: Balancing achievements with emotional/relationship needs
Negative Expression: Allowing goals to supersede other needs, becoming lonely or authoritarian

Jan 20 - Feb 18
Symbol: The Knowledge Bearer
Element: Air
Color: Blue
Planetary Ruler: Uranus (traditional ruler: Saturn)
Archetypes: Nonconformist, Scientist, Revolutionary, Genius
Primary Motivation: To claim the freedom to be oneself and attain true individuality
Strengths: Original thinker, willing to break the rules
Positive Expression: Being self-aware and true to unique path
Negative Expression: Living life in reaction -- either overly observant of rules, or rebelling against all structure

Feb 18 - Mar 20
Symbol: The Fish
Element: Water
Color: Green and Brown
Planetary Ruler: Neptune (traditional ruler: Jupiter)
Archetypes: Mystic, Poet, Romantic, Idealist
Primary Motivation: To develop spiritual awareness and higher consciousness
Strengths: Imaginative, idealistic, compassionate
Positive Expression: Developing spiritual or artistic connection that transcends physical reality
Negative Expression: Getting lost in escapist activities or a fantasy world
For full Astrology tables, please visit this page on desktop.
The Signs of the Zodiac
Learning about the signs of the zodiac is an important first step in understanding astrology. Included, below are brief descriptions of the 12 signs, including the dates during which the Sun is in each sign.

There are 10 primary planets in the birth chart, each with their own meanings, expressions and affinities with The Signs of the Zodiac. Visit this page on a desktop computer to find out more
The Houses
In Western astrology, a chart is drawn in the shape of a 360Ö© circle, with 12 wedge-shaped divisions called "houses." Each house represents a different area of life experience, with the progression of houses following a sequence of development. Visit this page on a desktop computer to find out more

These are the primary planets in the birth chart and their basic meanings.
Primary meaning:
Self-image, personal identity
Chart placement shows:
How a person feels most fulfilled, and the areas of life that most contribute to self-knowledge and personal fulfillment
Positive expression:
Strong sense of self, without being self-centered
Negative expression:
Selfish, insensitive, vain, inflexible, controlling
Does not go retrograde
Significator sign of affinity:
Primary meaning:
Emotional well-being, fulfillment
Chart placement shows:
What kinds of experience are most emotionally satisfying, and the areas of life that most contribute to emotional fulfillment
Positive expression:
Emotionally fulfilled, experiences emotions without being overwhelmed
Negative expression:
Self-indulgent, timid, indecisive, moody
Does not go retrograde
Significator sign of affinity:
Primary meaning:
Mental activities, communication style
Chart placement shows:
How learning occurs, subjects of interest, in what area of life communication skills are most important
Positive expression:
Able to learn easily and communicate well
Negative expression:
Nervous, worried, inconsistent
When retrograde:
Likely to be more reserved in communications. In the positive, more able to understand own thinking process, comfortable with introspection; in the negative, fearful of verbally expressing own truth and opinions.
Significator sign of affinity:
Gemini and Virgo
Primary meaning:
Relationships with people and things of
personal value
Chart placement shows:
How relationships are formed, how love is defined, in what area of life most important relationships are formed
Positive expression:
Relates well to others, has healthy relationships, appreciates aesthetics
Negative expression:
Manipulative, vain, spineless, materialistic
When retrograde:
More subjective/spiritual in the evaluation of beauty and relationships. In the positive, more easily turns to relationship with self for fulfillment; in the negative, may be uncomfortable being vulnerable and intimate with others.
Primary sign of affinity:
Taurus and Libra
Primary meaning:
Assertiveness, willpower, physical activity
Chart placement shows:
How desires are pursued, how initiative is taken, in what area of life courage is developed
Positive expression:
Able to act assertively and decisively
Negative expression:
Selfish, cruel, angry, insensitive, irritable
When retrograde:
Likely to review options carefully before taking action. In the positive, a strong inner courage; in the negative, difficulty in being self-assertive or in pursuing desires
Primary sign of affinity:
Aries and Scorpio
Primary meaning:
Self-confidence, faith, optimism
Chart placement shows:
How and where self-confidence and faith are needed and developed
Positive expression:
Feels good about self and life, has balanced approach to new adventures
Negative expression:
Overly optimistic, denies reality, overextends, has pretenses
When retrograde:
Seeks riches within rather than in the outer world. In the positive, more focused on spiritual growth and internal contentment; in the negative, may have difficulty being generous and carefree
Primary sign of affinity:
Sagittarius and Neptune
Primary meaning:
Self-discipline, self-respect, ability to be alone
Chart placement shows:
Where integrity and self-reliance are essential, where fears and laziness must be overcome
Positive expression:
Able to set goals, focus energies, rely on self
Negative expression:
Depressed, cynical, cold, lack of imagination
When retrograde:
A strong inner endurance and self-protective urge. In the positive, able to be strong under pressure; in the negative, may be more self-critical
Primary sign of affinity:
Capricorn and Aquarius
Primary meaning:
Independence, individuality, originality
Chart placement shows:
How rebellious nature is expressed, where questioning of authority is healthy and essential
Positive expression:
Lives according to own truth, walks own path, stands up for own beliefs
Negative expression:
Contrary, stubborn, selfish, unreliable, insensitive, eccentric
When retrograde:
Greater attunement to intuitive information. In the positive, more able to experience higher planes of consciousness; in the negative, more disorganized and less able to focus on using higher energies in practical ways
Primary sign of affinity:
Primary meaning:
Connection to something greater than the
self, awareness of soul
Chart placement shows:
How spiritual insights unfold, where they are most likely to occur, and where disillusionment is experienced
Positive expression:
Sees larger perspective, is able to detach from life’s dramas
Negative expression:
Confused, lazy, lost in fantasy or escapist activities
When retrograde:
Greater focus on spiritual aspects of life. In the positive, increases psychic abilities; in the negative, sensitivities may create difficulties in dealing with physical realities
Primary sign of affinity:
Primary meaning:
Fulfillment of mission, use of personal
Chart placement shows:
How a sense of personal mission manifests, where the greatest potentials for transformative experiences and personal empowerment are found
Positive expression:
Uses personal power without being controlling, follows higher purpose
Negative expression:
Rigid, power-hungry, violent, has sense of meaninglessness
When retrograde:
Able to explore personal motivations and workings of the unconscious. In the positive, psychological stamina increased; in the negative, may have isolationist tendencies
Primary sign of affinity:

1st House
A seed is planted. An identity is born. Personal style, ego development, physical appearance and body type, vitality, personality traits most apparent to others.
(Natural rulers: Aries/Mars)

2nd House
Roots grow. A foundation is established. Personal resources, finances, material possessions, self-worth, earning and spending habits, personal values and opinions.
(Natural rulers: Taurus/Venus)

3rd House
Leaves grow. Expansion begins into the environment. Early childhood education, learning and reasoning, everyday routines and communications, relationships with siblings and neighbors, short-distance travel.
(Natural rulers: Gemini/Mercury)

4th House
Flowers form. Emotional nurturing is stabilized. Home environment, emotional patterns and programming, parental influences from childhood, relationship with parent of the opposite sex.
(Natural rulers: Cancer/Moon)

5th House
Fruit develops. Personal expression gains form. Self-expression, creativity, play and playfulness, children, risk-taking, amusements, pleasure, romance.
(Natural rulers: Leo/Sun)

6th House
Harvesting begins. Taking on responsibilities. Chores and responsibilities, employment environment, physical health and nutritional needs, skills-building, service to others.(Natural rulers: Virgo)

7th House
Stasis is achieved. Balancing self and other. Partnerships, one-on-one commitments, significant others, cooperation, interdependence, projections onto others of aspects of self not yet claimed.
(Natural rulers: Libra/Venus)

8th House
Leaves fall and decay. Adapting to that which cannot be controlled. Shared resources, others' opinions, powerful emotions, sexuality and intimacy, experiences of death and rebirth, mysteries.
(Natural rulers: Scorpio/Pluto)

9th House
Seeds are carried on the wind. Expansion of awareness and sense of meaning. Philosophy, religion, higher education, wisdom and intuition, long-distance travel and adventures that expand one's world view.
(Natural rulers: Sagittarius/Jupiter)

10th House
The seeds fall to earth. Participation in a greater purpose. Career or vocation, visible role in society, personal mission, role models, authority figures, relationship with parent of the same sex.
(Natural rulers: Capricorn/Saturn)

11th House
Many seeds from many sources find fertile ground. Realization of personal and group needs. Personal dreams and wishes, social relationships and acquaintances, support groups, projects and activities with like-minded people.
(Natural rulers: Aquarius/Uranus)

12th House
Nature at rest. Development of inner spiritual and creative resources. Spirituality, mental health, aspects of self usually kept hidden, solitude and quiet time, dream world, the void, subconscious.
(Natural rulers: Pisces/Neptune)
In Western astrology, a chart is drawn in the shape of a 360Ö© circle, with 12 wedge-shaped divisions called "houses." Each house represents a different area of life experience, with the progression of houses following a sequence of development.
Several planets in one house of a chart indicates more opportunities and challenges in that area during the lifetime. It is common to have "empty" houses in a chart, that do not contain any planets. This does not mean that these areas of life will not be important, but merely that the primary areas of growth are found elsewhere.
The theme of each house corresponds with a different stage of nature's life cycle. These are included in the brief descriptions below, along with the "natural rulers" of each house -- the sign and planet that most resonate with the issues represented by the house.