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The Renewal of Flora and Fauna

                          A Colorful Firestorm of Vitality ~ shari_starlight

The Spring Equinox arrives later tonight, bringing a seasonal shift into the wild. It’s a time for growth and a realignment of our system. Solar winds enter the cracks of the Earth’s magnetic field due to its tilt, offering us a cosmic flow of potent alchemical processes that are powerful and transformative. Spiritual traditions suggest that an energetic portal opens on the zodiac new year at 0° Aries. We experience equal length of day and night, a time to balance both the shadow and light. This gives us opportunities to plant seeds of intention into a fertile ground of limitless potentials.

As a new world is waiting to be born, we are emblazoned by the sun’s light raising our energy higher, increasing inner strength. Tap into the heart of the earth and embrace rituals that feature nature’s outdoor visual displays with its fresh air scents. This will clear the mind and body while realigning our footing.

Declutter your living spaces - releases and dismantle old stagnation = Harmony

Engage with creative projects and fantasies - promoting your philosophy in life = manifestation

Springtime, rebalances our wellbeing and offers us courage to take risks. Initiating a cycle for our future while supporting what is evolving.

  • For a deeper dive into planetary influences, scroll to the bottom of this newsletter

Personal Sun Sign’s

Aries – Physical potency is at an all-time high. Your energy knows no limitations as you speed forward with bold action. Being committed to a cause gives a focus towards motivations. Impulsiveness may cause you to be reckless and deter you from completing what was started. When collaborating with others, it’s best to be positive with feedback that supports and inspires them. To avoid physical burnout, ground yourself through walking meditations, martial arts or craniosacral therapies.

Taurus – A reinvention is being supported by two planets: Saturn and Pluto. They bring a lifestyle adjustment through innovation and technology, helping create an ideal world. This generates interactions that offer benefits and future potentials. Allow some time for indulgences and passion. Adhere to your navigational baseline and trust the process of life as it unfolds. This spring enjoy the presence of plants and animals to reawaken joy and rekindle your inner flame.

Gemini – The vision of a plan moves you forward. There are breakthroughs and you lead the way. When challenges or situations arise, do damage control by communicating with others through speaking and writing. This propels the narrative with inventive resourcefulness. When overtasked take some downtime to clarify life purpose through meditative breathing practices. It strengthens your resolve and sharpens awareness.

Cancer – Saturn offers support of a future vision that taps into your ancient wisdom. Instinctual knowledge is your birthright and things flow easier for you. Popularity is at the forefront and you can be as busy as you like. If challenges appear choose the tidal pulls and undulate towards a sanctuary of your desires. Taking time to rest and be alone, builds up tolerances for the next wave of serendipitous opportunities that come calling.

Leo – Ambitious plans may not pan out according to original designs. Pivot to make the needed adjustments, inspiring workarounds that impress others. The energy available to transform the world around you is considerable. These accomplishments embrace the momentum at hand but be aware of physical depletion. Engage with self-care that involves for you to be pampered and lavished upon, or get outside to sun bathe and enjoy a hot stone massage.

Virgo – The immediate surroundings are influencing what is or isn’t working. A reorganization of spaces clears up uncertainties and moves you into action. Obstacles in your way can be navigated with the help of professional insights. These breakthroughs offer amendments and adjustments towards solutions. If the pressure gets to be too much, rest and invest in restoring personal wellbeing; through eating right, plant a garden, or playtime with pets. 

Libra - Stick with your set plans and stay true to yourself. Others will drain your life force if you let them. When possible, remain objective when conflicts arise and try to see another’s viewpoint. If a relationship feels toxic step back and take a rest. You won’t miss anything and will survive with your sanity intact. There’re also interconnections available that open up opportunities which benefit a situation or a pathway forward.

Scorpio – A spring motto for you is “Health is Wealth”. It’s a good time to make changes that alter the direction you’ve been on. Some adjustments may be needed but continuing with your plan of action is worth the effort. The journey to be of service is supported by Saturn. Commitment to your beliefs advance your ideas, and motivation inspires others with your good deeds. Resulting in reaping the future rewards. 

Sagittarius – The spot light shines on you firing up ideas that need to be shared with others. This windfall of opportunities is materializing faster, due to all of your hard work. Your diligence has far-reaching implications with lucrative advantages and impressive proposals. As pathways open up and prospects come your way, make space and take time for personal needs. A simple quest to relax; creative visualization helps you to destress and meet your chosen goals.

Capricorn – Embrace those who care for you and leave the others who judge behind. Grand dreams can be realized and propelled onto the world stage. Your magical ability and aliveness are contagious. The past accomplishments help you understand what you got right. Expand your mind and pace yourself for rapid developments. Strategize for managing responses and avoid overextending yourself.

Aquarius – Implement the inventiveness of thoughts and ideas into usefulness that assists others. Growth opportunities come through teaching sustainability from your examples. There is time to indulge in life’s pleasures as well as work. Balancing the two is one form of self-discipline. Adopt perspectives of what has already been tried and create a new way forward. Attend to personal pursuits at this time, such as Qigong activities which nurture the mind and body.

Pisces – The foundations have been laid for success. Lucky breaks are coming your way so embrace the opportunities and soar ahead to new heights. Your talent of service to others magnetizes the people who are meant to be in your orbit. There may be some minor inconveniences along the way but staying true to the higher self and practicing patience pays off. For support of bodily constitution at this time, nurture yourself through spa treatments that include sea salt.

  • The Spring Planetary Lineup 

Sun/Aries widely conjuncts Neptune/Pisces, initiating and enhancing our physical and emotional sensitivities. It also highlights decisive actions with spiritual connections, having sympathy, creative imagination and using the arts as an oasis. Moon/Leo opposes Pluto/Aquarius, adds complexity to emotions and compassion for others. This improves the quality of our life and enhances dramatic displays for attention. Mercury - Chiron/Aries trine the Moon/Leo, aids us with communication and eases emotional distress. Sun/Aries trine Moon/Leo, it’s transformational yang energy, delivering a giant leap of activity, fostering creativity and newness, igniting passion and adventure.

There’s also a total solar eclipse within the first three weeks of spring, revealing what has been hidden personally or thru societal norms to the forefront. Allow some time to forgive and heal your psyche. Practice the four lines of the Hawaiian forgiveness prayer, Ho’oponopono for release and liberation; I’m sorry ~ Please forgive me ~ I love you ~ Thank you.

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In Peace, Love, and Gratitude for a wonderful Spring Season,


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Spring Equinox Newsletter copyright 2024 Shari Schopp. All Rights Reserved. 



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