Star Light
Please note Fees & Payments below.
Natal Chart Interpretation – Your birth chart shows the potential life lessons you experience as well as your goals, desires, traits, tools, resources, and challenges. In this session, you will gain greater self-awareness, an in-depth analysis as well as a perspective on your life journey. A natal reading is for getting to know yourself better, and is helpful for personal process work, or just a better understanding of different aspects of your life and the energies available to you. Outcomes: Empowerment, growth, and ongoing behavioural changes.
Update Reading – This session explores the potentials and purpose of current transits, progressions and solar arc directed to the natal chart. The reading focusses on the present and future energies that are available for change and offers new potential for personal growth or if you want to initiate changes in your life. Outcomes: Identify current difficulties, taking advantage of decision- making opportunities.
Relocation/Astrocartography – Using your natal chart on the map is a beneficial way to locate places in the world where you can achieve your desired goals, professionally, socially, or spiritually. Another opportunity of this reading is to see how a place has affected you with an experience that shifted from birth to where you presently live. Outcomes: To identify supportive locations, engage with energies that have an impact on your life, find locations to travel to and bring the energy home. (A one-hour session).
Relationship Synastry and Composite Chart Reading – A method of using two different forms of chart comparison and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of two people in a family or other relationship. The first chart compares, and contrast two horoscopes, and the second chart combines and integrates the two charts into one chart. Discover the ways you support and challenge each other and shed light on the purpose of the relationship. Appropriate for romantic, parent/child, friendship, siblings, or business relationships. Outcomes: Gain insight into the relationship, learn to develop a way to overcome difficulties, and understand opportunities available in the relationship. (For 2 or more people 90-minute session add $20.00 for each additional person).
Consultations – This session is designed to help you with specific aspects of your life. You can choose what you would like to cover and your personal natal chart is used as a framework to see where you are facing challenges and discuss possible outcomes. (Note: this is not a natal chart reading).

Star Bright
Produced ready to print, mail or e-mail.
Intro Natal Chart Report – An introduction to basic planetary configurations using your natal chart and going into detail on your Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, and an explanation of the houses that they are in your birth chart.
(6 pages – $10.00)
Natal Chart Report – This report lays out in detail your charts planets, houses and signs using interpretive skills accurately calculated and with no-nonsense descriptions of the planetary configurations present in your life and how these affect you.
(33 pages – $25.00)
Friends and Lovers report – This report calculates and compares two personal horoscope charts in detail. This in-depth report is written with four parts, looking at the relationship from both your perspective as well as from the other person’s.
(22 pages – $20.00)
Relocation Report – This report uses your natal chart but looked at from another location you are interested in visiting or moving to. This chart maps out roads of opportunity that stretch around the world, each of which will add strength and emphasis to specific parts of your personality and potential. This report is for one reading per city, town, or country.
(22 pages – $15.00)
Asteroid Report – This report explains what the five most important goddess asteroids are, (Ceres, Juno, Vesta, Pallas Athena, and Chiron) and informs you of their symbolic meaning and gives insight into how they operate in your natal chart with your natal planets.
(15 pages – $10.00)
Trans Neptunian report – This report places minor planets that are in the Kuiper belt and have an orbit beyond Neptune into the natal chart. (The minor planets are Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus, and Poseidon) This information adds dimension to the natal planets, with aspects to planets and houses where they reside in your natal chart.
(4 – 5 pages – $5.00)

Star Shine
Classes & Events​
Classes will be held on zoom.​
The Beginning Class – Starts Fall 2021 – $295.00
5 lessons: These 2-hour sessions cover the following:
The astrology basic chart.
The signs, symbols, archetypes, and meanings.
The houses, symbols, archetypes, and meanings.
The planets, symbols, archetypes, and meanings.
The aspects and how they play out in a natal chart.
Reading charts.
Intermediate Astrology – Starts Winter 2022 – $350.00
5 lessons: These 2-hour sessions cover the following:
Aspects in detail: Trines, sextiles, squares, oppositions, conjunctions.
The cardinal points and house axis.
Chart shapes.
Retrograde planets.
Transits, progressions, and solar arc directed.
How to read natal charts.
Special Events – Happening quarterly on Solstices and Equinoxes.
Summer Solstice 6/20/21.
Fall Equinox 9/22/21.
Winter Solstice 12/21/21.
Spring Equinox 3/20/22.
Fees & Payments​
Individual Sessions
For individuals, fees (USD) for appointments after January 1, 2021 are:
- $60 for 30 minutes
- $110 for 60 minutes
- $160 for 90 minutes
​Relationship Sessions
For relationship readings, please add $20 USD for each additional person whose chart will be used in the reading.
Payment Methods
Payments must be in U.S. funds (USD). They may be handled by one of these methods:
Pre-payment is required for first-time clients, and requested for all. Detailed payment instructions will be supplied based on your preference when you schedule your session.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your session: Please email or call me at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment so that your time may be made available to others. Cancellation after that time, or a missed session, will be refunded at 25% of the session fee. Rescheduled sessions after a missed session will be charged full price.